The Importance of the Bible in Your Life TODAY!

I just wanted to say sorry to all my readers out there who haven't seen a post from me in quite some time. I have been going through some personal issues over the course of the last few years. But Thank God I'm in a better place, continuing to grow spiritually. I kind of had a downward spiral in the year 2013 after leaving my job in search of better opportunities. I guess you could say I got too confident in my spirituality and almost had the attitude of the Pharisee's. But after much needed discipline from my celestial Father, I am proud to say I'm back and more humble. How did I do that. Well I got back to the basics of Christianity...........God's Word. I started reading the Bible more open heartedly rather than looking for key points to use in my evangelic mission. Kind of like you'd find in the bible in Jeremiah 15:16 NASB "Your words were found and I ate them, And Your words became for me a joy and the delight of my heart; For I have been call...