
Showing posts from 2012

The Power of Fasting and Prayer

Hi today we are going to discuss the joys of fasting! Do you know what fasting is all about? Its about connecting yourself with God........think of yourself as a solar powered device.........everyday in order to run you need energy! You must set yourself before the sun or in this case the Son! Then we have the ability to run and go! But in order to keep ourselves going we need to charge ourselves humbly in Jesus. Let his comfort hold us, and feel his presence! So as we further unfold the powers of fasting let us reflect upon the true spirit of the key ingredients to fasting before the Lord! Fasting is a form of sacrafice that we all can do even today! But we have to humble ourselves before Him. You have 3 different kinds of fasts that you can do! The type of fasts that you can do is obviously chosen up to you! And it varies from circumstance to situation depending on the reason you are fasting, the length of time you want to sacrafice to God to show your willingness to bow to his will

Public Announcement!

Just to keep everyone posted.  I've had a few things come up and now I'm back......I will be posting soon on "Fasting"  so get prepared to have your world rocked..........i say that because when I started learning what fasting really was then it hit me and I've indulged in it more!  Let's just say I'm on a 3 day fast right now for 2 special specific reasons so pray for me on my journey and let's get ready to get closer to God!!! :)

Armor of God

  Hello and sorry for taking some time getting back on here!   I had to do a little research on the subject. Also I had a fundraising even for the American Heart Association in which case me and a few other guys from work raised a total of $2,175 as a team for my company!   But God has been tugging on my heart on something and so I figured I’d share it with you tonight!   Let’s first turn in our Bibles and read: Ephesians 6:10-20: 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places . 13 Wherefore take up the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and, having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your loins wit

The Gift of Forgiveness

What is forgiveness?  Well in two dictionaries that I have seen here are the following definitions: "to grant free pardon and to give up all claim on account of an offense or debt" "to give up resentment of or claim to requital for" Well to me those are very good accounts of forgiveness.  Forgiveness is the action for those who are victims.  Not always neccessarily the guilty.  Today i want to share a few words about what forgiveness is really about and why it is important to understand and make it a valued practice in our lives.  Then later I will share a personal testimony of my experience with Forgivness. 1st thing we have to remember or acknowledge is that forgiveness is one of the  hardest things we are going to have to endure in our lifetime.  No one wants to let go of that pain and hurt that someone has caused us.  We want to hold onto that and hold it above the one who hurt us' head.  We want them to feel our pain.  But we HAVE to do

Email for those who want!

It has come to my attention that you need a google account to make comments and prayer requests here on my blog so if you'd like to do so or even share a story of your own include a name oor anonymous if you'd like and I could post it for you to . I would really love to hear from you as well as other readers.  I mean affter all this is a sort of ministry and testimony is always part of ministry.  Mark 5:9 says, "And he did not permit him but said to him, “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” So if you have a comment, prayer request or testimony just email me at


Compassion Today I’d like to talk about Compassion and what it means to have compassion.   Or what it means to show compassion.   You could show compassion to friends, family, fellow Christians, or more importantly the non-believers in the world.   The Bible talks a lot about compassion.   But first we have to look at what the word really means.   I believe it has a little bit of love, a little mercy, and a dash of concern.   Sounds a lot like a recipe right?   Well in order to be compassionate you need these vital things.   Now let’s break them down by each ingredient. Love-Well Jesus’ greatest commandments was ”And Jesus replied:   Love the Lord your God Almighty with all your heart, and all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’: -Matthew 22:37-39 See not only is it a love for God but a love for your neighbor.   I’ve heard it said once that you cannot hate anything for

My Testimony of BREAD of God!

BREAD OF LIFE Hello there friends and family.   I want to thank you for your interest in my Blog as God has recently touched my heart to do this.   I was watching a movie last week called “Blue State”   It was a political comedy drama that the main character had started a blog to convince people of why they should vote Democrat. Don’t worry I’m not going to go into politics, but I seen that and wondered.   Why could I start one that could be used as informational, helpful, for other Christians like myself and, or maybe just maybe God would give me the right words that could touch a life in the process.   I’m kind of using this as my start to somekind of ministry.   Note, I am not college trained or have any authorization whatsoever.   I am just a simply layman, or fellow brother in Christ willing to share some of the messages I have been given, and or offer some testimonies.   This particular one that you are reading now is short testimony as to the forgiving graces of God and hi

Angels Amongst Us

Well here I am today to talk about Angels....I firmly believe God has send several angels into my life but also in the form of those whom I love dearly.  Funny but true and somewhat sad story is that everynight before I go to bed I talk to my dog.  A beautiful Cavalier King Charles and pure Cockerspaniel mix.  This dog is trained in spanish and english.  That's how smart she is to me!  Now as I was saying before I talk to her everynight and tell her to behave because Angels are going to come and do God's work for him and leave little blessings......bless her heart if I were a little more naive I'd think this dog had a soul, because she really listens to me.  And with that a sense of relaxation comes upon her and she starts her sleeping process.  Now maybe those are keywords for her knowledge that it's time to sleep, or maybe God is allowing her to hear the truth.....either way I love it.  She is in some way to me an angel as a time when I had no patience a

Truth behind the words!

Remember that there is only....                                                                                                           to Eternal Life! Today I want to talk about the single most important truth we can find in our lives!  Jesus.  In the Bible he says "I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life"  Now as a kid I never really understood that phrase but as a returning child of God, that simple sentence has more impact on me that it ever has before!  I am proud to say that I am a Child of God.  Now does the truth hurt?  Yes, especially if you don't know Christ and or have a personal relationship.  Or if you continue to do the things you know that are wrong knowing that it hurts Christ, then yes it hurts even more!  Being a non believer will hurt even more, especially when you die cause then you will be stuck in a place of torture and pain non-existent to mankind now.  You think that car accident hurt, or construction accident hurt, or that migrane hurts, o