BREAD OF LIFE Hello there friends and family. I want to thank you for your interest in my Blog as God has recently touched my heart to do this. I was watching a movie last week called “Blue State” It was a political comedy drama that the main character had started a blog to convince people of why they should vote Democrat. Don’t worry I’m not going to go into politics, but I seen that and wondered. Why could I start one that could be used as informational, helpful, for other Christians like myself and, or maybe just maybe God would give me the right words that could touch a life in the process. I’m kind of using this as my start to somekind of ministry. Note, I am not college trained or have any authorization whatsoever. I am just a simply layman, or fellow brother in Christ willing to share some of the messages I have been given, and or offer some testimonies. This particular one that you are reading now is short testimony a...
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