My Testimony of BREAD of God!


Hello there friends and family.  I want to thank you for your interest in my Blog as God has recently touched my heart to do this.  I was watching a movie last week called “Blue State”  It was a political comedy drama that the main character had started a blog to convince people of why they should vote Democrat. Don’t worry I’m not going to go into politics, but I seen that and wondered.  Why could I start one that could be used as informational, helpful, for other Christians like myself and, or maybe just maybe God would give me the right words that could touch a life in the process.  I’m kind of using this as my start to somekind of ministry.  Note, I am not college trained or have any authorization whatsoever.  I am just a simply layman, or fellow brother in Christ willing to share some of the messages I have been given, and or offer some testimonies.  This particular one that you are reading now is short testimony as to the forgiving graces of God and his powerful healing blessing he bestowed upon me and a friend.  This goes back to 2001 when I was full fledged and pledged in the church.  My only real free time was for church.  I was even a Youth Counselor for our Youth Group.  I was what I liked to be called a 100% Jesus Freak.  But then one day on a road trip to see my first secular concert ever, me and my buddy decided to try some swisher sweet cigars.  I mean after all even some of the most strongest God fearing mean smoked a cigar at the time of birth or just to have casual convo.  Well let me tell you what I loved the taste (must have been that sweet part) Then one day while at work (a fitness center no less) a girl asked me to come smoke a cigarette with her.  I told her I don’t smoke cigarettes, only cigars. She said same thing but better.  Well I finally inhaled and didn’t choke, or gag, or nothing that normally had happened when I tried to sneak a puff here and there.  Well next thing you know my family knows, and my youth pastor knows.  I was asked ever so kindly to leave my position as a youth counselor due to being a bad example.  I took it kind of wrong personally and used that as an excuse to leave the church like it had be I that had been the victim.  That’s where my life crumbled.  Thank the Lord he always kept me out of drugs, and never alcoholic like most kids my age, and I had a conscience to never be a punk or a thug.  Fast forward 10 year and here I am a smoker still and lazy but I am working, unlike a few years back ago…….well a friend of my went to apply a this staffing company and got invited by the sweetest little old lady you could imagine.  It was food pantry day and we needed a few things to get by until payday.  Who would have thought that God used a food pantry to start ministering to our lives.  Well we started visiting this church and I could feel an old feeling coming back to me…….a sense of peace and love………but this new sense came over me too……….Fire and Passion.  What I was learning at that time was the Holy Spirit was starting to wake back up since I had it locked away in my heart as a prisoner.  That God was really there pulling the strings and behind these feelings.  Well after a month of going to this church, we went to the Grand Opening Ceremony.  What we also didn’t realize is that it was a small just starting out church.  That night during the service came time for prayer.  They were asking people to come up and accept Jesus Christ into their lives.  Well I finally and reluctantly went forward but in my hard I was asking God to forgive me for having left his side for 10 years.  I know I had Jesus in my heart but I needed that reconciliation with him as I NEEDED him.  Well let me tell you this folks……I was on my last cigarette for two days or until I could convince a friend or family to lend me some cigarette money………using a nicotine patch for the just in case it flared up.  Well after that night I no longer had the urge to smoke a cigarette.  I knew it was there and some people around me still smoked, but by the grace and miracle of God he took the cigarettes away from me.  It was scary yet beautiful at same time.  I thank God for that sooo much but  you know what I know not that the Holy Spirit lit that fire in me and it reminds me of that old childrens song…..”This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine”  As far as the Food Pantry goes, he gave me a verse that really hit me with my hunger for God and it goes as follows:  Matthew 4:4 “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God”This verse also goes hand in hand with another topic I will be discussing in the near future “Fasting”  but for now I leave you with this food for thought.  What has God done for you lately?   How can you relate what’s happening to you with your relationship with God? Has he spoken to you directly or has it been subtle little hints?  I encourage you to search deep into your heart and find whatever reason you need to reconcile with him, or if you need a relationship with him………pray this simple prayers………..”Lord Jesus, I ask that you come into my life and take it away from me and make it yours, thank you  for your blessing of new life.  Take me and mold me into what you want me to be.  Forgive me of the sins of my old ways and bless me with the strength against all adversity in the future.  Thank you for buying me with your blood even though I’m not worthy…..Glory be your name……Amen”  Go and relive your new life as a precious child of GOD and remember that I love you and God loves you!  And that’s the way it should be!


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