Well here I am today to talk about Angels....I firmly believe God has send several angels into my life but also in the form of those whom I love dearly. Funny but true and somewhat sad story is that everynight before I go to bed I talk to my dog. A beautiful Cavalier King Charles and pure Cockerspaniel mix. This dog is trained in spanish and english. That's how smart she is to me! Now as I was saying before I talk to her everynight and tell her to behave because Angels are going to come and do God's work for him and leave little blessings......bless her heart if I were a little more naive I'd think this dog had a soul, because she really listens to me. And with that a sense of relaxation comes upon her and she starts her sleeping process. Now maybe those are keywords for her knowledge that it's time to sleep, or maybe God is allowing her to hear the truth.....either way I love it. She is in some way to me an angel as well......at a time when I had no patience and love for God's creatures, she came and ripped down the walls to my heart about animals. And along the way taught me about patience. I've heard it said that angels were jealous of us humans because God gave us the gift of free will. The right to choose right from wrong and the right to walk with him or not. Angels do not have that freedom because they were created to be servants. The same Lucipher himself was an angel. Did you guys know that? Yes he was the minister of music in Heaven. He was also the most beautiful of them all. He was full of knowledge, kind of like an assistant to God. You know the guy behind the scenes who know just as much but dont' have the power. But in this case NO ONE ever can have the same powere as God for there is only one! That's wh they say too much knowledge can be dangerous too! He figured he had all knowlege and power, that he was of equal person as God HIS master, or even better. Therefore got himself cast out of Heaven, but also 1/3 of all the angels following him due to his deceptive nature. Therefore when angels are sent to us as messenger we need to really listen to them. They know the loss of fellow brothers and sisters too. We should all listen to our angels. Some say that there is an angel with you at all times.......no matter what your doing. Taking notes on every account of what your doing! There is where you have to be careful to toe the line per say. Live a christian life, show God's love through your own actions, let him shine through you with his radiance, be and example as well as preach the example. Have you ever done something and felt instantly bad about it....well thats God or sometimes his Angel......sorry YOUR ANGEL pushing on your conscience. Reminding you that your off the path of God a little bit. Let me ask you this.......have you have ever been facing a tough situation and someone or something came your way that was totally unexplained? That was God sending his angel he had assigned to you with your blessing. He knew what you needed and when and everything. He planned it. Not only do we have a duty to shout and sing praises to his Name and give all worship to him........The angels bow down before HIM who is the Alpha and Omega. So my main point for tonight...maybe just maybe we should try to live a life like an angel. They are basically us but with more powere and authority! I love you and God loves you my friend and may God Bless You!

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