Truth behind the words!

Remember that there is only....

                                                                                                          to Eternal Life!

Today I want to talk about the single most important truth we can find in our lives!  Jesus.  In the Bible he says "I am the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life"  Now as a kid I never really understood that phrase but as a returning child of God, that simple sentence has more impact on me that it ever has before!  I am proud to say that I am a Child of God.  Now does the truth hurt?  Yes, especially if you don't know Christ and or have a personal relationship.  Or if you continue to do the things you know that are wrong knowing that it hurts Christ, then yes it hurts even more!  Being a non believer will hurt even more, especially when you die cause then you will be stuck in a place of torture and pain non-existent to mankind now.  You think that car accident hurt, or construction accident hurt, or that migrane hurts, or any other pain and suffering here on Earth can't even begin to imagine the pain you'll feel in Hell! Me personally I never want to know that feeling. Thats why I try to live and lead a godly manner.  I know I will never be perfect, i know that it's a constant daily battle.  I'm still struggling with things of my past.....but I know I have peace amongst those things cause I strive to be better. I strive daily to seek after him, seek his words for me!  Daily on my way to work and on my way home from work I listen to this radio station, and on this radio everytime there is a mini sermons.  These really lift my spirit up.  I also sometimes pop in my headphones and listen to christian rock and or rap.  I found these few Christian Rappers that have the sound of todays secular world, but are technically preaching to you!  It's really awesome.  And what are they preaching.............the truth!  A few names to look up if you want........FLAME, LECRAE, TEDASHII, 116 CLIQUE.  So my main point is stay focused on Jesus and his salvation for you that he bought with his own blood and life.  He died so that we may come to know him, who can lead us to the Father.  That's another one of his TRUTHS......."No One Comes To the Father, But Through Me"  John 14:6.  So if you want to be born again and live a brand new life, but a life dedicated to humbling yourself, submission to him and his will, go to Jesus.  Ask him  to forgive you for your sins, and to take a dwelling place in your heart.  And by all means be truthful with him and sincere, and he will reveal your truths to you as well!  Know this my friends I love you, but more importantly God Loves You!  No matter what you are going through or will go through, no matter what you've done, doing, or going to do............he wants you!


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